Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mission: Karaoke

Just got back in from a night of Karaoke at The Crescent -- a fairly gay bar in both the merry and homosexual ways. Still, there were a few cute fag hags that gave me something to sing to while pumping out some Toni Braxton, haha. At first when I got to Seattle, I noticed a good amount of interracial couples which gave me some hope that Seattle would be a cool place to meet chicks, but after the last two nights of stumbling into a bunch of gay bars, I'm really wondering if there are any chicks that don't use a flowbie to cut their hair. Whatever. The crowd was still pretty awesome and ultimately I don't give a shit about your orientation as long as you're having fun on stage. It takes balls to sing on stage, whether you're a butch lesbian on testosterone pills, or if you're a dude who likes to take balls in the mouth. Okay, so I've been drinking since about noon, but I did come up with the brilliant idea that I should do karaoke in every city I visit. Especially in the cities where I'll be flying solo. The best wingman at my disposal is a wireless mic and some Marvin Gaye... or Erasure. Either way, all you Canadian KJs better watch out cuz I'm coming to town... biatch!

Wow, I really shouldn't post this entry cuz it's poorly written, but at this point, who cares. I've had so much beer and coffee and I'm suffering from dehydration, I hope y'all will let it slide just this once.

1 comment:

  1. Toni Braxton!?!? WTF man? I always request you sing that!! Damn jerk! Sounds like a gay ol' time. Hope you're having fun in the land of Canada!
